Talented Florists Creating Beautiful Flower Arrangements

for Customers in Harborne, Birmingham

Our Flowers

Our Flowers

Create your perfect flower arrangement today with one of our skilled florists. From lilies to orchids and exotic flowers, you can produce an arrangement to suit any occasion. Plus, our flowers can be shipped overseas!

Funeral Flowers


Working within all budgets, our capable florists construct a flower arrangement to suit your exact specifications. You can choose a wreath, letters, heart flowers and much more for your arrangement.


Discuss your wedding flower ideas in one of our free consultations with one of our friendly florists. You can pick from a selection of church, venue, bride and bridesmaid flowers!

For more information or to discuss your requirements please contact us.

CONTACT our skilled florists in Harborne, Birmingham, for more information about our occasion flowers.

About Us

All photos are for illustration purposes only. Speak to us about what flowers you'd like for your special day, funeral or corportate event.